Hi again, here with another deck guide, this time it’s how to get 20 wins with 3 musketeers bait + some general advice that most people overlook. First, the deck and the video of the 20 wins proof. I’m going to refer to key times throughout the video to illustrate what I’m explaining and help you become a better player! The Cards Pump : What I said above covers most of it but I will explain some more things. You will be pumping up mostly in single Elixir and ONLY in Double Elixir if it’s 3 Musks Vs. 3 Musk OR if you recognize that they can’t punish you during Double Elixir (e.g. against Graveyard decks). It’s also the main card you will be using to bait out their heavy spells. 3 Musketeers : There are 2 ways you can play 3 Musks: Offensively or defensively. When you’ve built up an Elixir lead or baited out their spell you can split 3 Musks at the back and build up a slow push. This does 2 things: It maintains control of both lanes because your opponent w...